A new year and traditions must be respected: the twelfth night cake (Gâteau des Rois) is ready to eat.
But this year, we’ve added a touch of Provence.
The blogger “Les pépites de noisettes” has made us a home-made twelfth night cake with calisson cream
Put the softened butter in a bowl with the grated lime peel.
Work with a fork (or a mixer) to obtain a butter “cream”.
Add the sugar and mix well.
Incorporate the powdered almonds and then the eggs mixing well between each addition.
Add the flour and alcohol (alcohol optional).
Incorporate the calisson cream and mix delicately.
For the assembly
Spread the first flaky pastry on an oven sheet covered with cooking paper.
Spread the cream on the pastry, leaving at least 3cm between the edge of the pastry and the cream (so as to be able to weld the 2 pastries together) and don’t forget to put the bean in!
Break the last egg in a bowl and beat.
Brush the flaky pastry with the egg.
Cover with second pastry.
Press the edges of your cake firmly to weld them together.
Cut away the extra pastry around the edge (be careful not to touch the cream).
Standing time and cooking
Brush with egg and place in the fridge for at least 30 minutes (this will make all the difference to your flaky pastry).
Preheat your oven to 200°C.
After the 30 minutes standing time, decorate the top of the cake with a fork or the back of a knife by tracing lines, curves or any other pattern.
Brush with egg again and bake in oven for 25 minutes.
When the 25 minutes are up, brush the cake with the cane sugar syrup.
Put back in the oven for 5 minutes.
Leave for 15 minutes before serving.