The marriage of a seasonal fruit and a Provençal delicacy.
For a holiday snack, Le Roy René and the culinary blogger “As green as possible” revisit the famous clafoutis with calisson cream.
First, select a handful of the best cherries but retain the stems, and put aside. Destone the rest of the cherries… Put the destoned cherries in a bowl, add the pinch of agar-agar and heat in microwave for 2 minutes. Leave to one side.
Preheat oven to 180°.
Using an electric whisk or in a blender, beat the egg until the mixture becomes frothy. Add the sugars, the almond puree, the calisson paste and the flour. Blend. Add the milk and the bitter almond extract.
Pour the mixture into individual moulds, add one cherry per mould. Sprinkle with sugar and pieces of butter. Bake in oven for 30 minutes.
A simple candied cherry replaces the bean and you can eat it with your fingers and there are no stones…! And why not decorate them with a few mini calissons ?