With summer almost upon us, what could be better than a delicious, colourful and tangy recipe?
The culinary blogger “Cuisine moi un mouton” brings us little lemon cupcakes with our calisson cream.
Preheat your oven to 180°.
In your blender, beat the eggs and sugar.
Incorporate the flour and the baking powder, the melted butter and the rum. Pour into 4 moulds (or 1 large one) and bake in the oven for 40 minutes.
Turn out your Bundt cakes and make the icing. To do this, mix the egg white and icing sugar vigorously with a spatula.
The egg and sugar cream should be white. Add the food colouring with the tip of a knife. Add the juice and continue to beat fast for 10 seconds. Pour over your cakes.
When the icing is dry, place a teaspoon of calisson cream in the hole in the middle of the Bundt cake.
For an even more appetizing cake, add a little whipped cream and decorate!