Le Roy René


  • Coffret cadeau bleu le Roy René
  • Coffret cadeau rouge le Roy René


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5 / 5

Based on 8 customer reviews

Anonymous A.

published the 28/01/2021 following an order made on 09/12/2020

jolies boites à garnir de friandises achetés en boutique d' ile de France Leroy René .

Anonymous A.

published the 28/01/2021 following an order made on 30/11/2020


Anonymous A.

published the 22/01/2021 following an order made on 10/12/2020

J'ai déjà 3 boîtes, très beau à ranger des choses.

Anonymous A.

published the 22/01/2021 following an order made on 09/12/2020

Très jolie boite

Anonymous A.

published the 21/01/2021 following an order made on 27/11/2020

Très joli et pratique

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