A 100% natural and authenticrecipe, made in the old-fashioned way in cauldrons in an EPV certified partner factory in Provence .
Virginie L.
published the 18/06/2024 following an order made on 10/06/2024
Un délice
published the 26/01/2024 following an order made on 20/01/2024
Une réussite
Patricia J.
published the 26/12/2023 following an order made on 11/12/2023
Emptyfirstname E.
published the 03/10/2023 following an order made on 27/09/2023
Un régal pour les amateurs de crème de marron
Comment from La Confiserie du Roy René the 03/10/2023
Nous sommes ravis que notre crème de marron vous donnent entière satisfaction.
Espérant vous revoir très prochainement sur notre site.
Bien cordialement, l'équipe du Roy René.
Anonymous A.
published the 23/12/2022 following an order made on 02/12/2022
Trop bon